Season 2 Episode 2 - The Tiffany Problem

Season 2, Episode 1.

Oh, I missed two.

I did them all.

It’s okay.

We were talking about what if everyone in the world had a unique name?

Oh, yeah.

But if everyone had a unique name, you’d have to invent names.


Did you invent my name or did you take it from someone else?

No, yours is.

I’m not sure.

Do you think there’s anyone in the world called Yumo?



I searched on me.

And did you find anything?

Wait, no, not now.

But can you remember?

Did you find anyone else called Yumo?


Shall I ask AI and see what it says?


But it’s definitely kind of rare.

I think Yumo is a much rarer name than yours, Elise.

Much, much, much, much, much.

There’s two Elise’s in the school, but she’s spelled differently.

Yours is, I think yours is quite popular.



Is Yumo a common name?

Olifi is a lot more common than me.

Yeah, it doesn’t know.

It says it’s not a particularly common name, especially in Western cultures.

It might be more familiar in certain Asian contexts.

What about me?

What about me?

What about me?

Is Elise a common name?

Let’s see.


It has French origins and is considered a variant of Elizabeth.

What about Lyra?

Is Lyra a common name?

So is it shortened to Elise from Elizabeth?

Lyra is less common than some traditional names.

The name has Greek origins and is associated…

Mummy’s name is the best name in the world.

…and is associated with the lyre, a musical instrument, as well as the constellation Lyra.

What about Omar?

What are the ten most…

Mummy’s Greek.

What other names have Greek origins?

There are many names with Greek origins.

Alexander, Sophia, Daphne, Helena, Elias, Isidorus, Theodore, Cassandra, Penelope, Nicolette.

Penelope! Oh, this is his wife.

Cassandra, the one who was cursed by Apollo.

It’s Apollo right here.

That’s not it.

No, it says it there, but it’s not one of the names.

People were named after gods in Greece.

Tiffany is a Greek name.

What the heck?

It’s a very old name, actually.

It’s just quite funny.

I think there’s a name for it, but I can’t remember what it is.

There’s a name for it?

Yeah, but gods' names are like…

Some names are just weird.


What’s it called?


Is there any Greek gods' name they like?


Do you know what’s Athena in Chinese?


Do you know all the Greek gods?

Well, there’s minor gods.

Olympians are the gods who lived on mountains.

Oh, here it is.

The Tiffany problem.

The Tiffany what?

The Tiffany problem.

The Tiffany problem.

One of the…

Let’s see.

When history doesn’t match our perception of history, it is called the Tiffany problem.

Tiffany problem.

It describes how reality can sometimes be too unrealistic to be believable.

One of the best examples of the Tiffany problem is exactly how the phenomenon got its title, the name Tiffany.

To the people of the 20th century, Tiffany is a relatively modern name.

However, the name actually originated in the Middle Ages, dating as far back as the 12th century.

The name Tiffany is the English form of the Greek name Theophania, meaning God appears or epiphany.

Yeah, there’s thousands of Tiffany problems.

People think it’s a new name, but actually it’s a very old name, so it confuses them.

There’s thousands of Tiffany problems in Greek mythology.


I mean, Athena was born from Zeus' forehead, which is weird.

So he ate his wife.

Athena was growing in his head.

He got a headache.

Hephaestus sliced his head open with an axe and she jumped out full grown.

I mean, that’s pretty unrealistic, isn’t it?

It’s the Tiffany problem.

I could do that with more details, but…

We’ve already been five minutes.

Now you’ve learned about Greek mythology.

Is there anything you want to say, Yemo?

Six minutes.


Do you want to talk about writing a card for your teacher?


Because he did some crazy things.

Can I say it?


Okay, we’re going now.



See you next episode.