Episode 101 - The Kids Talk about School

season two episode one hello so it’s been some time since we’ve done the last episode yep I don’t know how long a few months okay what’s new I’m in year four using you too I’m almost lying you know there’s still a long time until you know seven yeah because my birthday is already past this year you have another birthday every year so it’s okay all right let’s maybe let’s talk about year four what’s your for like four new students for new students okay the all annoying you okay you know what’s your two oh so they don’t know I know you three of them do one of them doesn’t yeah because they don’t really talk to me I don’t speak Korean you will you too because why do you like inquiry because you like inquiry because I was making I was making stuff you’d like to make stuff yeah I was making lots of stuff and we were just chasing random to adding to talk process together and can you tell us about some one of the things that you built a very long speech like I go that went that was going first you can’t say like this you need to explain so it’s flat I I made that switch in in Chinese studies but in inquiry hours me hours engine engine year and and there but there was three different ones there was artists writers and chef and we were designing chin to a mint is colon because they don’t you sent us the metal they sent us yeah right so right in the better they said that they want to cover ones for us and they wanted us to sign it and after when we gave them gave him the letter that we wrote because that means that we decided for them for the colon we we wrote a letter back to them and they we put everything for us my favorite lesson is inquiry to because our subject is leaders and we’re doing a poster about leader and you have a partner I’m working with Arda and we’re doing Nelson Mandela we finished the poster now we’re doing the play script so artists gonna access Nelson and I’m gonna be journalist so I’m gonna ask him questions and we’re just pretending it’s BBC live TV news in London and I I finished writing my first my first personal narrative about beefy boys and I’m writing about going to Shanghai with but I’m only writing about the part watching wrestling do you need photos my favorite match was you give us this crystal you like the female match you watch more than one match but in my in my mother English writing God I was like your personality nice that is about my dad mr.

choice wedding I speak to my dad yeah everyone’s writing about you just told a story right you did you have to do no she meant everyone in year two whatever that means that you’re tapping please there wouldn’t be the whole primary writing about one teacher that’d be weird my sentence sentences in my personal narrative it’s so wrong that’s so she’s very proud of me but my writing was still famous do you to you learn how to I don’t have to write in cursive in YouTube oh really maybe he’s gonna learn in your free we have handwriting class and now we’re learning cursive to still but we’re not writing in cursive okay but it’s not the same as before because we learned another kind of cursive now we’re doing British kind it’s like you don’t connect the Y with letter letters and the G really you don’t do like you don’t loop all the way around we need to do the kind she’s doing other way she can’t show us okay I’m the leader of this video this has got really long because you talk for a long time so shall we start sound matters sound matters what sound matters so we’re making posters like level 5 for the playground level 4 presentation level 3 is table talk level 2 is you still doing that you were talking about that a long time ago okay okay I was I was waiting about I can write about four things but I chose only three the things I chose is transportation buildings mountains and food but there was still lots of there’s still three ones I could choose we I can choose park rivers and bridges and but I chose the one transportation buildings food and mountains but it was a wrong idea to choose mountains because there was nothing like a lot of mountains and so she’s just told me some of the mountains and she told me and in my group she she was in my group too but she wrote the same ones as me but except for one she then chose mountains except for that she didn’t want that she just she just broke that into bridges and and the other three other ones the ones that I choose and the ones that she chose are bridge no it was transportation building and food but one of them was he didn’t she didn’t choose mountains she chose bridges bye-bye