Decided to walk home and ended up walking home with a colleague, which was nice
Decided to walk home and ended up walking home with a colleague, which was nice
As ever, I never write because there’s always so many things I’m thinking about and I never make the step to recording them. Mostly I start writing and never manage to hold my thoughts together well enough and then, it feels like the moment is gone.
We went to Claire’s yesterday and it felt like the Christmas I imagine. Which, I’ve realised, is the same as the Christmas I remember from when I was younger. Presents and too much food and watching tv and playing games and being around family all day. We kind of did that and in its own way it was perfect.
We watched Stardust because the final song was playing and now reading the book is on my list. Then we watched Serendipity which is apparently 20 years old and this morning I finished Matrix Resurrections (Austin Kleon - Intermissions).
As for now, I’m thinking of adding a commonplace book to my pile of journals we’ll see and working on my mobility.
Mostly, this coming year will be on trying to do one thing at a time. To be conscious in my actions. Something I find really really really hard. Especially when using my computer or the habitual checking of my phone.
This Christmas also marks two years since I saw Mum and Dad. It’s jus something that sits at the back of my mind and is one of those things I think about a lot.
Went for my first run with Helen today.
Happy New Year everyone!
The clock ticked over just as we were putting our two to bed.
If this isn’t nice.
This time I woke up when the youngest crawled into bed with us sometime between 12 and 5am. Then the eldest joined us around 5:30. It this isn’t nice. I don’t know what is.
Being social, even online, is something I wish I was better at but have accepted as something I find difficult as I’ve got older.
With that said, getting replies from people on is my favourite thing about using it. It’s just nice. #ifthisisntnice
Tried to do a workout. First Elise joined in for the jumping jacks and burpees. Then she got bored. A little while later, Yumo joined in in his own way and sat on my back for press ups. Workout was totally ruined… It was awesome!
Picking up the kids from school is such an amazing feeling, every single time.
For the first ten seconds anyway but I’ll take it.
I know The World Waits™️ and the UK is now on lockdown again but…
Both our children slept through the night. Not a peep out of either of them. This is the first time that this has happened.
If this isn’t nice!
As a, relatively, recent father and a teacher of, relatively, small children, kids always astonish me.
It’s the best.
#mbnov ✏️
I’ve been trying hard to be more present this morning. And the effort has been worth it. I’ve felt well, happier, less stressed. I’ve done the washing, made sandwiches for breakfast, watched two 15minute videos, one on foreign correspondents opinions on the upcoming election and one on finding pumpkins in the park presented by someone called Blippi, used my phone less/a little more consciously we’ve been to soft play and then had dumplings with friends.
It’s been nice, the kids for the most part have been amazing.
It is hard work though. I have the creeping anxiety that I should be doing MORE and that if I don’t bad things will happen.
Kottke just linked to this post titled An Easy Way To Practise Gratitude which is about a game where you simply name 5 nice things in your life. The rules are ‘don’t overthink it, and be specific.’
It ties in nicely for me with something I do about noticing nice things in my life, which I got from this Kurt Vonnegut quote
Anyway, here are mine…
The security guard at school said good morning in English to me yesterday. Normally they would greet us in Chinese but he’s obviously been practising. Even though I had my headphones in it made me smile. Going against my normal programming I shared it in a school chat group and it turns out other people had noticed too. It made me feel a little more connected with people at school/work and I’m glad I shared it.
A teacher’s friend is doing takeaway food from his flat. Yesterday he did bbq chicken with chips, peas and coldslaw and it was amazing. We ate it with a few friends and I had a couple of drinks and didn’t even get too annoyed with the kids!
It’s the weekend and Lyra and I are going on a date tonight while the grandparents babysit. Curry and cocktails. I think I might get my hair cut today aswell. “My hair is long because I haven’t had the time to have it cut.”
It’s the morning, Lyra and Yumo are asleep. I’m having coffee and Elise is getting some screentime. No one is crying or angry and it’s a very pleasant start to Saturday morning.
The Apple photo widget has such a noticeable, positive impact on my life. Opening my phone to old photos of my wife, kids and family is just THE BEST.
Yesterday I was grateful for a less stressful bedtime.
Thing is, the kids were just as troublesome I just didn’t let it get to me.
Noodles and then a drink and chat with a friend while the grandparents are watching the kids was just what I needed this evening.
I’ve just addded “If this isn’t nice” as a category but I realise it’s a gratefulness journal by another name isn’t it?