We have a few games, mostly card games, that we take with us when we go out. A way to fill time, something to do that isn’t a screen - which we don’t typically take with us when we go out. I thought I’d write about them a little.
This one is Llama.
A card game. Simply, You put a card down that is the same or 1 more than the card on the pile. The Llama goes after 6 and 1 follow six. That’s about it. Easy to explain to new people and quick to play. To play properly, when one person finishes the others count up points, Llama counts 10, and get counters for that amount. Though you can quit the round if you like. When someone has 40 points, the person with the lowest point is the winner. There’s a couple of wrinkles too.
We are normally happy to just play without the counters and don’t tend to stop when 1 person wins. But mostly we enjoy playing a round or two.
It says 8+ not he box but our 6 year understands it well enough to play.