Found myself strongly agreeing with this.

“I’ve always known that I enjoy time with the kids more when we go out and do stuff. Hiking, bounce houses, driving, whatever. I thought it was because the kids behave better when they’re out of our boring house. But now I’m realizing that not having access to my phone is a bigger factor.
When parenting is the only activity I can engage in, and there’s no phone grabbing my attention every minute, I’m a better parent. And kids have more fun and fight less with each other when they’re with a more engaged parent as opposed to a parent who’s doing the bare minimum in between checking a phone.
I hate smart phones.”

Christopher Wilson

I can totally agree but I'd add that for me it's also the fact that going out adds stronger purpose, intention and, ironically, fewer options or choices. So it makes the activity more purposeful and clearer for me.


@ChrisJWilson it’s good point that. Ironically, or at least it feels so, when my wife goes away and it’s just me and the kids. In those situations I find it easier because as you say I’m more focused when it’s just me!