Just read Kottke if you don’t, save me posting all the cool and interesting things he posts.
Just read Kottke if you don’t, save me posting all the cool and interesting things he posts.
Descartes a Kant - After Destruction (Official Video) - YouTube
This video is awesome!
The format sees racers run a 4.166667-mile loop, called a “yard” in backyard ultrarunning, within a one-hour time limit, after which all finishers within the allotted time are tied for first place, and must present on the start line on the hour to go again. This continues until there is only one runner left standing, who must complete a solo yard to be awarded the win.
Just incredible.
Daring Fireball: Apple Again Hikes Prices for Its Media Services
I subscribe to Apple One with some extra storage so the price will go up and I won’t really notice. As Gruber says, it’d be nice for storage to increase.
17 Life-Learnings from 17 Years of The Marginalian – The Marginalian
I just applied for a job, an incredibly stressful affair but I’m glad to have a cleared the sizeable first hurdle. When i’ve calmed down I’m going to dig into this, I think.
Conlextions #45
Solve Time: 51 seconds
Thanks @lex, found this one easier then normal!
Cartoons of Teachers, Parents, and Students Dealing with School Report Cards | Larry Cuban
Shared a few of these with teacher friends. Some hit home.
Oliver Tree & Robin Schulz - Miss You (YouTube)
STUCK in my head.
Working and parenting and looking for a job.
Is one job too many.
Day 10?
We say, I’ll make time, I’ll find the time, I’ll free up some time. But by then, it’s already too late.
In short: our brains are probably not retrieving a particular memory from a particular part of the brain like a book from a shelf or a file on a computer (static view). It’s more likely our brains are creatively constructing our response at the point of recall in the context in which we are recalling it (dynamic view) (Edelman, 2001; Bryce & Blown, 2023). This means our memories change each time we recall them. So what might this mean for teaching?
The World’s Leading Marble Sports Event. The amount of work that goes into these is just incredible, and they’re so much fun to watch. This is the hurdles from the Marble League event. The final was so close!
Even Super Mario Bros. Wonder’s approach to difficulty is playful - The Verge
Elephant Mario. Yumo has been loving playing it this morning.
To be a person may be possible then, after all.
Day 3
The 5-minute daily playtime ritual that can get your kids to listen better : Life Kit : NPR
Definitely fancy them listening better.
I’ve been thinking about this list of “12 habits of highly effective dads” a lot since I first read it.
We’re working every dread day that is given us
Feeling like the person people meet really isn’t us
Like we’re gonna buckle underneath the trouble
Like any minute now, the struggle’s going to finish us
And then we smile at all our friends
The Pizza Principle | Seth’s Blog
If you think this post is about pizza, I’m afraid that we’re already stuck.
What are you thinking of when you read this?
I see my job as creating a willingness in my students to accept that fact and then to face it. To be brave and to be willing to take steps into learning something new.
“You don’t know? Great! Let’s do something about that.”
As a teacher, and now as a parent, I have learned that the truth is that who I am and what I do is as much a force for learning as what I say. If I want the children under my care to be brave or to be a reader or to face their mistakes and see them as opportunities and on and on… Then I must be.
I now believe, too, that making positive connections with parents is of equal importance. That a child’s school experience is a part of their life but that it is not a separate part of their life. We, parents and teachers, guide them in skills that they will use daily for the their rest of their lives. To learn, to communicate and to be an active of the world. I like to say to parents that we shouldn’t just be thinking of this year, but the next and the next. What is the big picture? What can we do? What’s the next step?
In my life, I like a challenge as I like how it helps me focus. Recently, with a friend, I’ve been writing a haiku a day, I’ve managed to finally solve a Rubik’s cube and have been encouraged by my daughter to work on my skateboarding skills. As well, as I’ve got older, I am continuing to work on slowing down, focusing on the things that matter to me. Whether that is in my teaching or in my daily life. Considering what is most important and giving them all my energy.
Saturday, early Chess, coffee and pyjamas I love this hoody
*10 minutes laters they’ve both run to their rooms and shut the door because, in shock news, both of them can’t win.
*12 minutes later, Yumo opens the door to tell me, “you ruined it!” He doesn’t want to talk about it
*13 minutes later Elise listens while I talk about not everyone being able to win.
*15 minutes later Elise has said sorry on a paper airplane
*20 minutes later we’re making paper airplanes from a YouTube videos and have bought a new board game and ordered breakfast
*25 minutes later and I’m wondering if they deliver whiskey at 9am to go with my 油茶。
We have a go at using the cards more.