Start Often Finish rArely
Now get out there and start doing stuff! And then stop doing stuff, so you can do more stuff! Do as much stuff as possible! Never stop doing stuff! Always stop doing stuff!

Been thinking about this a lot since I read it on Metafilter. In completely related news, I started learning Korean today. The Korean boys in my class were eager to help me. I can now write banana, mum and dad!

Onwards! Or not!


Boy sitting man's shoulders, boy's head is cut off from view by a doorway

Been looking at using as a kind of landing page (which is the right name for what I want).

Playing Jazz, Rebounding Basketball Shots, and Teaching Lessons: Instant Decision-Making | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Teachers consider rapid, non-stop decisions as simply part of their job not fully realizing that their instantaneous decision-making compares nicely to expert jazz musicians and professional basketball rebounders.

Star Wars IV, A New Hope - SWANH.NET Star Wars Infographic

Star Wars in one 123-meter long infographic


A conversation
A different perspective
A portal elsewhere

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I’m interested in a home page with some words, links to all my posts and other pages, and my most recent entries. However, I’m not really sure where to start with doing that. Can I just use Thanks!

The Whippet #178: Somebody better say something about the moon

So what I learned in school is that the Moon was created when another planet crashed into it (a glancing blow) and knocked off a bunch of rock that formed into the Moon.
But no! The planet (named Theia because that’s the mother of the Moon in Greek mythology) crashed head-on into Earth and broke through the crust and into the core. Where it still is.

They key takeaway here is that we should view retrieval as a learning event. Retrieval practice is not so much about testing whether someone knows something but rather a core part of actually learning that something, a process which occurs across time and space.

Carl Hendrick on X

I have a strong dislike for Twitter threads, especially ones with information that I find useful. If only there was a better way to share words online?!

After living in China for 12 years, I’ve just come to love the food. I mean, it’s true that there’s things that I don’t like but generally, the food is just so good. Living where we do, we eat a lot of spicy food. A. Lot. So I was pleased yesterday when a friend made me 蒜泥白肉,thin sliced pork, served cold, with beansprouts, garlic and chilli. So. So. Good.

meat and chilli and garlic on a plate

A friend of a friend got me the staff jumper from the delicious tomato soup hot pot place.


man in a red jumper with Chinese characters and the word tomato soup

Hey, um, if you were
to have kids all over again,
what would you do?
Oh, honey, I wouldn’t have ‘em.
You know, Nat, I’d, um
What would I do?
I would I I’d want them to be
not so fuckin’
afraid of things, you know?
I’d protect them less. Yeah.
I’d want ‘em to have more fun.
Make more mistakes.
Get into more fuckin’ trouble, you know?
I don’t know how to do it, but
but that, that’s what I’d do.
Ma-make sense?

Read more

She doesn’t grow plants.
The plants grow themselves.
Her job is to create conditions for the plants to grow.

Kash’s garden | Seth’s Blog

See also, The Carpenter and the Gardener

Now the fuss is over, draft some decent plans for 2024.


A moment that changed me: I stopped speaking at 19 – and found my artistic voice | Life and style | The Guardian

Life’s constant pressure
A hand on my shoulder
Such expectations

午餐: 面条

Breakfast: Spicy porridge
Lunch: Spicy noodles
Dinner: Spicy hot pot


Playing Set. All 4 features must be different or only one. Such a lot to process, which means it must be good?!

Lady smiling sat behind a table with cards on

Book of Life 🎥 Went in knowing nothing about it. Kids loved this.

So good.

Roast fish with tofu

Today our teaching team have 24 15minute meetings from 8am to 4pm. ☕️

Forever patience
Life swirls and time flies


Information about my workout. 5x1 shoulder press. 5x3 push press. 5x5 push jerk.

Trying to write a cover letter after a busy day and with my kids being themselves… Not. Fun.